Vinyl is a soft thin plastic material with an adhesive backing. Most vehicle graphics, logos and pin striping are made from vinyl, but not all vinyl products are the same. Vinyl comes in a variety of colors, thickness and grades ranging from 1mil to 4mil thick. Vinyl is rated for its interior/exterior life expectancy. Some vinyl’s are for interior use only, some for temporary use only, and some are for interior/exterior use. The term vinyl life expectancies refer to how long the vinyl product will remain adhered to a vertical surface without fading, peeling or cracking. Exterior vinyl life expectancies range from 1 to 7 or 8 years depending on the grade, color, and type of vinyl used. Here at Graphtech Signs only premium vinyl is used (7-8 years-exterior life).

Here are just a few reasons why we use quality vinyl instead of paint or silk-screen:

  1. Vinyl is changeable. (If you make a mistake you can remove it. If you change you produce name/ID, location, it’s easily replaced).
  2. Vinyl lasts longer without fading, peeling, or cracking (Average paint life for exterior use is 3 years; average vinyl life is 7 years).
  3. After 7 year exterior life remove old decal and replace it with a new one.
  4. Vinyl comes in a variety of colors.
  5. Vinyl is printable. (We can thermal print graphics and text on to any vinyl decal).
  6. Vinyl can be applied to any smooth surface.
  7. Vinyl is easy to install.
Graphtech Signs make a variety of vinyl products to meet your Commercial needs. Every decal is custom made to your specifications. All decals are inspected and guaranteed to be without defects. We pride ourselves on PERFECTION.

Here is a small list of products that we produce. If you don’t see what you are looking for on this list, please contact us and we would be happy to give you a quote.
  • Company Logos
  • Product Labels
  • Computer Labels
  • Sequential Numbering Labels
  • Employee Names
  • Printed Graphics
  • Stickers (commercial use)
  • Vehicle Logos / Graphics
  • Window Lettering / Graphics
  • Emergency Labels / Lettering
  • Magnetic Signs / Labels

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GRAPHTECH SIGNS / 2115 Shawna Ave / Coeur D'Alene, ID 83815
208.651.1737 1.877.4.DECALS 1.877.433.2257 f: 208.664.1602
copyright © 2001 - Graphtech Signs